What is the Support Data ZIP file?

What is the Support Data ZIP file?

"What is the purpose of the Support.zip file?"
The file support.zip contains information as well as relevant data about the installed version of the Ergosoft RIP and can be a great help in troubleshooting.
Below you will find a list of the files and folders it contains as well as the information it contains.

Description of the components

  1. CutEnvFiles > Cut Environment (selected when creating)
  2. EsLogging > JobComposer-, Queue- and RoleConfig Log files
  3. JQServJournals > RIP Server Log files (included error Logs)
  4. MiniDump > Crash Report Log file
  5. PrEnvFiles > Print environment (selected when creating)
  6. Settings > all Ergosoft user data settings
  7. Workspaces > all Ergosoft user data workspaces
  1. CmDust-Result.log > Log file from dongle, Operating system, Computer name, Number of network cards and IP addresses, OS language, Number of hard drives and more information
  2. DescRec.ini > Summary of printer, media and inks for cost callculating
  3. dir.txt > List of program folder files including timestamp information of the last change
  4. ES_HKLM.ini > Installed versions (from 13 upward) and respective user data folders
  5. InkTypes.xml > Ink types set up for cost calculation
  6. MediaTypes.xml > Media types set up for cost calculation
  7. PPUSER.INI > Basic settings for the Ergosoft RIP
  8. PrinterIds.xml > Output configurations Print Clients
  9. Rips.ini > Print Environment information
  10. Supportfiles.txt > Paths to the current Print- and Cut Environment
  11. SupportInfo.txt > License details
  12. UserLevelRights.esbin > Software rights on user level
  13. version.txt > OS and Hardware information, Ergosoft RIP Version, Program and User data folder, File version of each .exe and .dll in the program folder (excluding sub-folders)

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