How to set up Ergosoft for large production

How to set up Ergosoft for large production

You have several printers running more than 100 jobs per day designed in JobComposer. Or you are producing using HotFolder or Delta Automation as main tools for creating more than 100 jobs per day. And you do not want to clean up no longer needed data manually in short intervals so that your hard drive does not fill up with no longer needed data.
So you are looking for some tools that help you with the system maintenance and warn you before you run out of disk space.

The Ergosoft RIP offers several options that, combined with customized application settings, assist in cleaning up temporary and no longer needed files.

Ergosoft ControlCenter
  1. Navigate to the "Tools" TAB of the ControlCenter
  2. Start <SystemGuard>
  3. Switch on Auto-Deletion of "Preflights" and "Print Environment Archive"
    (Depending on your needs, the deletion should happen after a short time - e. g. After days: 3 - 5)

Job Processing Poilcies (JPP)
  1. Open JobComposer and navigate to "Tools > Application Defaults >Job Processing Policy"
  2. Add a new JPP by clicking the green +
  3. Activate "Delete done jobs automatically after" (Archive tab) and type in after how many days you want to auto-delete the jobs
    (Depending on your needs, the deletion should happen after a short time - e. g. 1 - 3 days. If you decide to "Archive Jobs before deleting" it is recommended to select a second drive or a network volume to store the archived jobs. Do not forget to clean up the folder holding the archived jobs from time to time.)
  4. Apply the same setting to the JobTicket tab
  5. Check if all the other settings fit your needs (Workflow/Preflight tabs) and confirm by clicking <OK>

Other Application Defaults
  1. Navigate to "Tools > Application Defaults > Snapshots"
  2. Activate "Limit space consumption" and keep size as small as possible, 1 GB recommended
    (Perform "Delete All Snapshots" operation to clean-up folder instantly. If the snapshot folder \Files\SnapRO in your user data folder fills up with too many files, you can also manually delete them from time to time or use a script for it.)
  3. Navigate to "Tools > Application Defaults > PostScript/PDF Interpreter"
  4. Activate "Use separate subfolders for local RipEngines" and "Empty raster folder before ripping a new job"
  5. Also activate "Delete raster files after" option and keep the time as short as possible, 1 - 3 days recommended
  6. Confirm and save settings by clicking <OK>.
Note: If working with Sequoia feature, make sure to perform the setting changes on the Master and all attached Client computers. The Job Processing Policy is shared between Master and Clients but you have to pick the same one in the application defaults on each Sequoia station running a JobComposer.

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