How to configure an HPJMFPORT

How to configure an HPJMFPORT


You like to configure e.g. an HP Stitch S1000 or HP R5000 Print Environment? The following guide will cover the setup.


  1. Add a new Print Environment based on the corresponding driver.
  2. If no Port has been set up yet, you will immediately see the Port type selection pop up.
  3. Confirm "HPJMFPORT" port type by clicking <OK> 
  4. Configure the connection to the printer.
    "Destination Folder" defines where the rastered data will be saved after processing so that the printer can access it. Click the <Browse> button and navigate to the designated folder for the printer.
    "IP Adress" is for the IP Adress of the printer. 
    Enter the corresponding IP address here.
    "JMF Connection URL" will be read out automatically after the IP Adress has been entered. Click the <Test> button to try out the connection. If the test was successful, you can move on to the "Computer Network configuration".
    Click the <Search> button to see a listing of available network connections on the computer. Choose the one you want to use to communicate with the printer, this will also automatically fill out the respective IP Adress of your local system.
    "Port Number" can usually be left to the default. If you are using a different port number, enter it here.
    When you are done, click <OK> to confirm and get the Edit Queue Setup window.
  5. Confirm with <OK> and specify a name for your PrintClient.
  6. Enter a name for your newly created Print Environment to complete the initial configuration.

Related Articles & Links

  1. ControlCenter
  2. Add Print Environment & Print Queues
  3. HP ErgoSoft RIP Color Edition

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