Contone Ink Cost Calculation Feature
When using Contone
printers, no dot sizes are available for calculating ink costs.
Dithering, i.e. the
dot distribution in the printout (simplified explanation), for Contone drivers
cannot be carried out by the Ergosoft RIP, so that no corresponding data is
available for calculating the ink quantity.
"How can the ink costs
still be calculated for these drivers?"
Note: To be able to calculate the virtual drop size,
you need to know the actual consumption. This information may be available via
the printer control panel, front-end software, ink tank monitoring, ...
To obtain the
estimated ink consumption, proceed as follows:
- Open the Contone Print
- Select "Cost Factors"
- Set the "Dot Volume"
to User
- Enter a value for the "Ink
Volume" of e.g. 10 pl
- Close the Print Environment
Then print out a file
and open the JobTicket. Now, ink consumption has been estimated and costs are calculated.
Compare these values
with those from the printer control panel or the front-end software, for
Use the following
formula to calculate the Virtual Drop Size:
Actual amount (printer
control panel or front end) * estimated
drop size (manually entered ink volume) / calculated amount (JobTicket) = Virtual Drop Size
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